Who they are
The Chukchi are the indigenous people of Chukotka, who settled here back in the fourth or third millennium B.C. The quiet life ended with the arrival of the Russian explorers in the late seventeenth century. Bloody battles lasted for almost a century, ending in a complete and unconditional victory of the indigenous people.
American scientists have discovered genes in them that allow the cells to release additional heat.
Why aren't the Chukchi freezing?
For centuries, the main food of the people has been boiled meat, plants, berries and roots. Until recently, the most common dish found in any family was monialo. This is half-digested moss extracted from the stomach of a killed deer. It was served together with blood, finely chopped meat and fat.
Chukchi names?
Chukchi believe very much in evil spirits, so they use different ways to deceive them. In the past, girls were often given male names and boys were given female names.
Typical male Chukchi names are Aleleke, Imryn, Atch-ytagyn, Alyapenryn; female names are Iv-navyt, Penr-ynna and Tyna-tval
The indigenous population of the peninsula, the Chukchi, use the decimal system of notation.
It is almost unique - only the Chukchi and Maya, the indigenous inhabitants of Central and South America, used it.
The cultural heroes of the mythical stories of the Nordic peoples are birds, animals, people, as well as mythical lords of the upper world, sea, wind and sun.
After finishing the day's activities, people gather around the fire to listen to the narrator. A beautiful legend about
a girl who fell in love with a whale and followed it out to sea? Or perhaps a funny story about a cunning raven?